• Admission process
• Open day
• Interview
• Trial period
• Evaluation and admission
One can not compare going to school at De Ruimte with schooling in regular education. It is a challenge for the student, the parents and the staff to go off the beaten track. It is the art of seeing the learning life as a continuum of options and transformation. The conditions for a successful time at our school is the child’s desire to be there and the parents support of the concept of the school. That is why we have, for all parties, a trial period of four weeks. Admissions may take place at any time during the year.
Admission process
The admission knows the following steps:
- Open day;
- Interview;
- A trial period with a minimum of 8 days;
- A crash course ‘de-schooling’ for both parents/caretakers;
- A circle for insight sharing with the student at school;
- Evaluation with student and parents;
- Admission.
Open day
To get a clearer picture of the school it is essential that both parents/caretakers and the child(ren) to start by attending an open day. See open day for more information and application.
First of all, it is of the utmost importance that the student him/herself clearly indicates a wish to come to our school. That is why there is always a personal interview to decide together whether De Ruimte is the appropriate choice.
Trial period
The purpose of the trial period is to get to know each other and the workings of the school. The student gets acquainted with the school as a learning community, and the school gets to know the student and the parents. We take one month for this process with a minimum of 2 days a week.
At the same time the parents/caretakers do a crash course de-schooling in which they gain experience with the way decisions are being made at the school and many other things you need to know before you make the choice to become part of De Ruimte.
Evaluation and admission
At the end of the month the student, parents and school members come together for the evaluation. We discuss whether all parties aspire a possible admission to the school. Before this evaluation a recommendation and consent is asked from the Intake-circle.
When both parents and the student endorse the concept of the school we ask the following question: ‘Do we trust (name student) to shape his own learning life in connection with the community of De Ruimte?’ If all parties consent, admission can take place straight away.