The team
Our team are mainly staff members who facilitate the allround support in the school. They co-work with the students in the school meeting and its sub-circles. Staff members fill different roles like: coach, mentor and dossier-keeper. Some of them also have the role of teacher.
The main purpose of the staff member is to shape with the students the life and learning at school. Together with the students they aim for a physical, emotionally and socially stable school environment and mini-society. Compassionately they support and follow the development of the student and try to render that in a digital portfolio.
Anne Marie Smetsers

In the last week of August of 2015 I had an interview at De Ruimte. I heard they had an urgent need for a first-degree Dutch teacher. I talked to Ruud and a few students, including Toon, who had also just arrived at school and was taking a nap while we talked. An hour later I was outside with tears in my eyes and my heart pounding. Love at first sight. Within days it felt I had been here for ages.
At the moment, my attention is focused on mentoring, my Dutch classes and the development of a greater language awareness at De Ruimte. I want to propagate the school. Far too many (young) people out there have no idea at all about the existence of democratic education in general and our fantastic school in particular. It would be great if I could move a considerable boulder in the river (free to Bram Vermeulen).
Staff member since 2015
Claudia Hartman

What a wonderful discovery that there is a school that does not try to make a fish climb a tree or make an elephant fly. A place where I can support every child in his/her wishes, from ‘I want to learn to read’ to ‘how do you make a feature film?’.
Where I am challenged every day to give a ‘lesson’ on the spot; “I would like a lesson in history”, “I would like a lesson in difficult math”. But also drawing and painting together in our studio or philosophizing about ‘why everyone sees something different when you look outside through the same window’. During a reading lesson I am challenged with questions such as ‘why is a dog called a dog’? The lessons are often holistic; after all, everything is connected. Starting with a conversation about surfing, we come to the subject of floating, we search the map for The Dead Sea (Topography) and we calculate the salinity (percentages). The children keep me sharp and help me to keep exploring my motto ‘there are no stupid questions’. Lifelong learning in freedom and connectedness, I enjoy that very much!
In her ‘previous lives’ Claudia was, among other things, a ballet dancer, ski instructor and marketing communication employee and now also a qualified primary school teacher. She is the mother of a son who also enjoys being at De Ruimte. She is a teacher and staff member and has been taking care of the school administration at De Ruimte since October 2020.
Staff member since 2020
Claudia Hartman

Dorianne de Groot
Helping build this school is the hardest and most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life. I become more experienced every year and I feel the power of those years of experience. I am starting to know now what works and what doesn’t.
Pioneering, being flexible, working together, never stopping to develop, keeping trust, that is our contribution to a richer educational climate. Often, students only realize afterwards what De Ruimte has meant to them. I understand that; this education is about self-direction and taking responsibility, and those skills often only become meaningful when you grow up and go out into the world. Looking back as the founder of this great school, I am still so grateful to be able to do this job!
My quality and affinity lies with the younger students who learn so amazingly while playing. I am mainly concerned with a few practical sub-circles that are interconnected: animal circle, school shop circle, garden and environment circle. I am also a member of the circle of tasks and the school set-up circle. I have the role of policy coach for the BSO / KDV. I live in the school and take care of the school when everyone is gone. If you have any questions you can always come to me. 😉
Founder and staff member since 2003

Dorianne de Groot

Franc Duking
After 5 years of working as a staff member at the Democratic School LIFE! in Landsmeer I now work most days as a teacher and trainee staff member at De Ruimte. What I like about this form of educatioen is the connection that arises casually, in open curiosity and equality. Starting a conversation without necessarily aiming for a certain goal. Often the result is that we learn a lot from each other. Learning life skills such as motivation, inspiration, discovering your individuality, setting boundaries, taking responsibility are a great asset of this school. And I continue to experience that I myself learn as much as the students do.
As a teacher, my focus is on the natural science. I enjoy finding the way to a final exam with the students, but also discussions in “sexuality and relationships” classes. Furthermore, my focus is on individually coaching students and introducing NVC as a “tool” in the school.
Staff member since 2020
Staff member since 2020
Franc Duking
Heleen Groot

Children find their own place here and choose their own contacts, with the animals, with other children, with adults and in nature. It’s so interesting how people learn here. Like in the vegetable plots for example. Having their own piece of land is important for children. They can experiment with digging, sowing and, if all goes well, with harvesting. In the workhop I think it is important that students experience it as their own domain and that I only help if they cannot manage by themselves.
I ensure that the workshop is well equipped with tools and materials and I like it when students feel free to experience all kinds of things. Sawing, hammering, planing, chopping, repairing bicycles; it is all possible. When your bike breaks down and you discover you can fix it yourself; imagine the joy when it works again! But sometimes it is necessary to use my professional knowledge if they can not figure it out, because that bike must of course be running at the end of the day.
Staff member since 2007
Irma van Eijkelenborg

Staff member since 2011
For me, democratic education means that you can organize your learning life any way you like and that you meet others while doing so. You are not free in a way that you can do whatever you like, but you are free in how you do things and have experiences. For me that means you are not only focused on yourself, but part of a community. It’s dynamic, everything can coexist: the gamers, the artistic people, the spiritual kids, the emos. I really enjoy that: they are all connected, always accepting towards each other. I see sixteen-year-old boys still playing outside, running back and forth with plastic guns. They would be laughed at at a regular school. Here you can be yourself to your deepest cell, without being judged.
Janneke Bergmans

Knowing that I help build the school is a very special feeling. I have known De Ruimte for a long time and have seen enough democratic schools to know how incredible it is that this school has weathered all storms!
I enjoy the evolution that the school has gone through and am curious to know how things will be in ten years time. I like change. What I enjoy most are the changes I see in students. Sometimes I look around and see groups of people engaged in different activities. Everything runs together perfectly in a harmonious chaos. Then I am so proud of this school! People flourish again, find peace, climb out of deep valleys. Or discover a side of themselves they didn’t know yet, develop a passion. It gives me goosebumps to see that happen time and time again!
Staff member since 2008
Janneke Bergmans

Jet Prommenschenckel

Staff member since 2020
The diversity of the people on our planet is wonderful. No character is the same and that is what makes life together so surprising and inspiring. How beautiful it is, if you can experience that from an early age and are able to participate. In democratic education you learn to appreciate and even love that versatility and in this place we learn from each other, young and old. When I first came to look as a parent, this was a relief: no hierarchy. No one is the same, but everyone is equal. As a result, you see everyone grow and experience his or her moments of truth. Here everyone gets the chance to develop into a person with their own identity, knowing that they are valued. And I (now a staff member), travelling along, support and enjoy all these processes. Seeing that children are content with themselves makes me happy.

Lex Eijt
For me, democratic education means that students shape their own learning path in collaboration with staff and teacher. They have the choice to take state exams, but they don’t necessarily have to. As a result, they learn to deal with choices and its consequences at an early stage. Students can try out a lot here and find what suits them. Staff, teachers and students are equals. This equality creates trust and respect. I never approach students from a position of power when they show undesirable behavior. Because students also respect me, they automatically stop certain behavior. As a teacher I am very open-minded, I like to highlight all sides by offering different perspectives.
Staff member since 2013
Lex Eijt
Margo Bruins

From my experience with my own children, I know what democratic education can mean for students. Two of my three sons attended this school. Both of them now do the things that suit them well. I have faith in the life and learning path of my children and by doing so I am giving them the greatest gift I can.
What I have learned as a mother is that I am allowed to feel my lack of power. A student once said that parents have the illusion that they have a lot of influence, but that this influence is actually very small. My sons have each made their own way. I am standing here and watch them do it. It is their life. And I? I’ve been at school since 1963 and I’m still learning!
Staff member since 2008

Staff member since 2008
Marjolein van Beers

I really enjoyed preparing for the inspectors’ visit to be legally classified as a school. I wanted to engage in a dialogue with the inspectorate, was determined to “fight” for recognition of our way of working and learning, until they understood us. We managed to do it together with a number of tough guys on the front line and we are still very proud of that. I agreed that the quality should be tested, I still do. I like quality. That if something goes wrong, you know exactly which route to take or who to address. And that you are allowed to make mistakes, but that you have a system of support. That is my ideal.
Staff member since 2006

Melissa de Graaf
Finding De Ruimte as a school for my own children was a wonderful gift for which I am extremely grateful. I think it’s fantastic that I can now be part of this special school by spending days playing with the toddlers.
I like to look at humans as playing creatures, the homo ludens. Playing is discovering and here we do that together, whether you are 2 or 32.
I myself was always called ‘pig-headed’, that sounds a bit negative, but I was actually proud of it. Despite that stubbornness, I occasionally lost contact with my inner compass. I tried to fit in line. At De Ruimte, the self-willed wisdom of children is valued. The word stubbornness took on a different sound to me. I see learning to trust your own wisdom as a wonderful basis for a lifelong learning through play in connection with yourself and others. It will help you find your element.
Exclamations such as ‘learning is allowed and failure does not exist’ or words such as equality and freedom do well on every educational folder. But at De Ruimte these concepts come to life. You can really feel and experience what it means. It hangs between the walls, it’s in the fibres. In the way students and staff members look at and talk to each other. I had never seen this before after ten years of teaching. To me there is something liberating and hopeful about it. It broadens your world view and gives you confidence in people. On to that better world!
Staff member since 2022
Melissa de Graaf

Ruud van Middelaar
For me, democratic education is the education of the future, in which natural development and trust in children will be restored. Playing together, getting to know each other, talking a lot and having a equal voice in matters that are important to you at school, these are the pillars of democratic education. That is what makes you big and strong. Back to natural self-determination and original human value.
Since 2003 we have worked hard and realized much of the dream we envisioned. At the same time, democratic education remains a self-renewing concept and I think it will never stop innovating. We have plans to build a whole new school and by that I mean a new exterior and a new interior, always a next step. In the next phase I see this education as an example for schools where children develop into independent and loving people who will make the world more beautiful.
Founder and staff member since 2003
Tet Lagemaat

How enjoyable is it to play and have fun all day with toddlers from 2 to 4/5 years old? That was the case at many daycare centers where I worked, but at De Ruimte even more. Here the toddlers are not obliged to eat a piece of fruit at 10 a.m. and a sandwich at noon. They make their own schedule. They come in at varying times and the first thing they do istake their lunchbox to the table and eat the best of what’s in it. The toppings are eaten from the bread and the raisins are distributed. Then just go outside without a coat. Why not?! That’s how I’ve always wanted to work! And yet it took some getting used to when I came here in 2016. I thought I knew it all, but I still needed more de-schooling. Because what do I do when a toddler wants to bring in trucks of sand? How do you explain what bacteria are when washing hands? Why can’t they just go out the gate like the big kids? How do I get the toddlers to clean up? Enough questions. But first you have to play! The answers will come in their own time.
Staff member since 2016
Tobias Hoendervangers

Knowing that I help build the school is a very special feeling. I have known De Ruimte for a long time and have seen enough democratic schools to know how incredible it is that this school has weathered all storms!
I enjoy the evolution that the school has gone through and am curious to know how things will be in ten years time. I like change. What I enjoy most are the changes I see in students. Sometimes I look around and see groups of people engaged in different activities. Everything runs together perfectly in a harmonious chaos. Then I am so proud of this school! People flourish again, find peace, climb out of deep valleys. Or discover a side of themselves they didn’t know yet, develop a passion. It gives me goosebumps to see that happen time and time again!
Staff member since 2008
Tobias Hoendervangers