After school care
Because the school is open from 8:30 – 17:00 hrs, part of the school day is considered after school care. This is only for students from the school. The internal houres measured as after school care are 14:00-17:00. School activities continue during these hours and staff members working that day are the responsible adults.
De Ruimte uses an official set-up called: BSO-regeling, which means that parents with children up to 13 years of age pay a fixed amount of money for after school care. This money can for the greater part be reimbursed through an allowance called kinderopvangtoeslag. For more details see: Fees and after school care.
After school care allowance
As parent of a child up to 13 attending De Ruimte you can apply for an allowance for after school care called: kinderopvangtoeslag. You have to apply for this allowance within three months of registering your child at De Ruimte. If you wait longer you lose your right to this allowance. For more information see:

Complaints procedure BSO
Complaints can be taken to:
Safeguarding Quality
In the work regarding after school care there is one person in charge of safeguarding the clarity concerning the quality of pedagogy, safety and health.
During lunch break there is always time for intervision. The team meets once every three weeks and has four days during the year to discuss the challenges that come up. Beside that the team has a three day get-together every year away form school where they have in-depth discussions about the vision and the concept of the school.
The organisation of our school is horizontal, based on equality. Together with the parent circle, all members of the team are responsible for the quality of the school, after school care and day care.